Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Candida Link

I am certainly not the first one to jump on the 
Candida overgrowth is the cause of all our woes 
bandwagon, but it seems that there is enough 
compelling evidence to suggest that there may 
be a link between some rather persistent issues 
that I myself suffer from. In the past I poo-pooed 
my friend who suggested that I may be suffering 
from Candida issues. Now listening to what Tullio 
Simoncini, MD. has to say on the subject I have 
changed my mind.
I currently take this product on an empty stomach 
at every opportunity. It works on the premise that 
Candidia is protected by a thick layer of cellulose. 
Once the enzymes eat throught the cellulose, it then 
attacks the fungus itself which consists of protein.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cancer is a fungus

Cancer is a fungus. Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini, MD believes that cancer is caused by fungus.  The main culprit is Candida albicans and can be treated rather quickly and effectively using a sodium bicarbonate solution delivered directly to the tumor site.  Apparently, tumors are white. Candidia is white. Hmmmmm... Candidia also exhibits opportunistic behavior and displays the same genetic structure as cancer tumors.

By avoiding grains contaminated with fungi  which also have astronomical carbohydrate levels (all of which  encourage Candida overgrowth) you can help eliminate your chances of developing cancerous tumors.

How do we become contaminated by radioactive isotopes?

According to the CDC, radiation exposure can happen when radioactive materials are released into the environment. 

Radiation exposure can occur during a nuclear power plant disaster, like during the infamous 3 Mile Island incident. It can happen during an atomic blast from a nuclear bomb, such was the case with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

It can occur when nuclear warheads are detonated.  

It can happen where radioactive materials are released from nuclear medical devices, like the nuclear medical equipment that is used to treat cancer.  

It can happen in facilities that use irradiation as a means of sterilizing medical equipment.  

It can happen at facilities that use industrial technology of a military nature, such is the case with weapons manufacturing and military research facilities. 

It can happen on your local university campuses where the students and faculty are conducting experimental research on biological organisms.  

It can happen when accidents occur during the shipment of nuclear waste on our nation’s highways and railroads. 

It has definitely happened when nuclear weapons testing released radioactive particles into the atmosphere which are then blown around the earth carried by high level winds and ultimately landing somewhere where no one has to take responsibility for it because radiation can’t be detected with your 5 senses. 

It has definitely happened in the case of nuclear bomb testing out in Nevada where it harmed the populations downwind.  

It can happen when dirty bombs are detonated and people come into contact with the radioactive particles that are released following the blast.

It can happen at industrial facilities that use radioactive waste to expose food and beverage containers, like Vindicators in Mulberry, Florida which exposes the containers to radioactive waste in order to "sterilize" the containers.

It can occur in industrial facilities that irradiate food for the purposes of shelf life extension. These facilities lease radioactive waste from the Department of Energy and then use it to irradiate food and spices (more on this later).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Minerals are the key to blocking radioactive isotope uptake.

Minerals are the key to blocking radioactive isotope uptake. That means the more your extracellular matrix (the water between your cells) is saturated with minerals the less likely your cells will be mineral starved and less likely to absorb the radioactive isotopes that mimic specific minerals. For instance, Strontium-90 mimics calcium. If you have a calcium deficiency, your body will absorb the Strontium-90 in lieu of calcium. Cesium-137 mimics potassium.  If your extracellular matrix is potassium deficient it will absorb cesium-137 instead. Cobalt-60 is the most plentiful radioactive waste in existence today. Colbalt-60 is what they use to irradiate food. They also use it to “sterilize” our beverage containers – like the plastic jugs that hold our orange juice, milk and other beverages - at least that’s what they use at Vindicators in Mulberry, Florida.  Cobalt-60 mimics vitamin B12. In light of this fact, we need to be sure that our extra cellular matrix is saturated with B12. Technically, B12 isn't a mineral, but you get the point. If our extra cellular matrix is saturated with minerals and vitamins such as B12 then our bodies are less likely to absorb radioactive isotopes. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Macadamia Nut Milk Recipe

Macadamia nut milk has a soothing, earthy quality to it, not to mention it is packed with omega 3, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Use it in place of cow's milk. Add it to your cereal or oatmeal in the morning. Drink it as it is for a refreshing earthy beverage. Remember the higher the food travels up the food chain the more concentrated the contamination is. Don't heat it up or it will kill the enzymes!

Macadamia Milk
1 cup macadamia nuts
4 - 5 cups filtered water
1 - 3 Tablespoons of light agave nectar (optional)

Soak the nuts for 12 to 24 hours.

Pour the nuts and water into a blender and blend 
on med for about a minute.
Drain the mixture in a fine mesh strainer. 
Add agave nectar if you would like a little sweeter flavor. 
Store in glass mason jars for up to a week. 
Save the leftover nut bits as a salad topping.

Add allspice, fresh ginger and cinnamon for a 
spicy beverage treat. Put the spices in the 
mason jar with the nut milk and shake it up. 
Place it back in the refrigerator for a few 
hours to let the flavors mingle. Then enjoy!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Dirty Bombs Anyone?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) dirty bombs are a mix of radioactive powder or pellets combined with explosives. Dirty bombs cannot create an atomic blast. Instead they will create an explosion. This explosion causes radioactive debris to scatter in to the immediate area and become airborne, thereby contaminating everything it touches.  The dangers from dirty bombs are twofold. The initial blast may cause death or injury. Additionally, if you are nearby the blast or downwind from the blast you may become internally contaminated by inhaling the radioactive particulates that are released into the air. Inhaling radioactive particulates can cause serious health problems that may manifest over time. There are multiple issues that may arise from inhaling radioactive particles. Since you cannot feel, see, smell or taste radiation (although one very reliable source reported driving through the radioactive cloud released by 3 mile island said she experienced a metallic taste in her mouth) you may not realize that you have been exposed to radiation and consequently contaminated. 

Daniel and His Hebrew Companions

Daniel and His Hebrew Companions
Daniel chose to eat low on the food chain rather than eat the meat from the king's table
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