According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) dirty bombs are a mix of radioactive powder or pellets combined with explosives. Dirty bombs cannot create an atomic blast. Instead they will create an explosion. This explosion causes radioactive debris to scatter in to the immediate area and become airborne, thereby contaminating everything it touches. The dangers from dirty bombs are twofold. The initial blast may cause death or injury. Additionally, if you are nearby the blast or downwind from the blast you may become internally contaminated by inhaling the radioactive particulates that are released into the air. Inhaling radioactive particulates can cause serious health problems that may manifest over time. There are multiple issues that may arise from inhaling radioactive particles. Since you cannot feel, see, smell or taste radiation (although one very reliable source reported driving through the radioactive cloud released by 3 mile island said she experienced a metallic taste in her mouth) you may not realize that you have been exposed to radiation and consequently contaminated.
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