Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Macadamia Nut Milk Recipe

Macadamia nut milk has a soothing, earthy quality to it, not to mention it is packed with omega 3, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Use it in place of cow's milk. Add it to your cereal or oatmeal in the morning. Drink it as it is for a refreshing earthy beverage. Remember the higher the food travels up the food chain the more concentrated the contamination is. Don't heat it up or it will kill the enzymes!

Macadamia Milk
1 cup macadamia nuts
4 - 5 cups filtered water
1 - 3 Tablespoons of light agave nectar (optional)

Soak the nuts for 12 to 24 hours.

Pour the nuts and water into a blender and blend 
on med for about a minute.
Drain the mixture in a fine mesh strainer. 
Add agave nectar if you would like a little sweeter flavor. 
Store in glass mason jars for up to a week. 
Save the leftover nut bits as a salad topping.

Add allspice, fresh ginger and cinnamon for a 
spicy beverage treat. Put the spices in the 
mason jar with the nut milk and shake it up. 
Place it back in the refrigerator for a few 
hours to let the flavors mingle. Then enjoy!

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Daniel and His Hebrew Companions

Daniel and His Hebrew Companions
Daniel chose to eat low on the food chain rather than eat the meat from the king's table
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