I take ionic minerals on a daily basis. When your extra cellular matrix is swimming with a rich supply of minerals in solution, then the dangers of absorbing radioactive isotopes is significantly reduced. Think of it this way, if your cells are starved of minerals and you come into contact with radioactive minerals that minic their non-radio active counterpart, then your body may absorb them, just becasue the real mineral weren't available.
Now, it stands to reason, that if your body has an abundance of minerals swimming around in your extra cellular matrix (that is the space inbeween your cells - its one of the first places your body goes to to get minerals) then then your cells will absorb the real minerals and not the imposers.
Here is where knowledge will help you. In order for your body be able to use the minerals you have to have them right form. The minerals must be "in solution." That means that they must be ionic, which is just a fancy way of saying that the mineral itself is so small that the body can absorb it. If you take minerals in tablet form the molecules are way too big for your body to absorb. The minerals you buy must say ionic on the label. I buy the Concentrace Ionic Minerals. No, I don't sell them. I just recommend them. I buy them at my local health food store. When you go to your local health food store, don't let them talk you in to buying anything other that ionic minerals. It's your body, It's your health and it's your money. You can by them online too. If you can't find them leave me a post and I'll try to help you locate them.
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