Sunday, May 4, 2008

What does fungus have to do with it?

What does all this talk about fungus have to do with radiation? To be honest, I'm not to sure either. I can tell you this...exposure to low level radiation can cause tumors. Sometimes they are malignant and sometimes they are benign (we aren't even going to discuss the role of EMF's at this time - we'll save that discussion for later). If cancer manifests its self as a tumor then could the cause of the the tumor be fungal? And if it is fungal then is the cause a weakened immune system? Is our immune system compromised due to poor nutrition? If so, what is the cause? Could it be genetically modified foods? Or is it the irradiated ingredients? What role does candida overgrowth play in this scenario? Or could it be a combination of all these factors?

I don't have the answers, but the Lord does. 

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Daniel and His Hebrew Companions
Daniel chose to eat low on the food chain rather than eat the meat from the king's table
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