Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't Know Much About Xenon-133...

I don't know much about Xenon-133, but, apparently, it is used as a diagnostic tool for nuclear imaging. I can't seem to find a whole lot of information on it.

I found a page on this clinical  pharmacology website. Clinical Pharmacology 

On the website they report that, "Xenon Xe 133 is a readily diffusible gas which is neither utilized nor produced by the body. It passes through cell membranes, freely exchanges between blood and tissue, and tends to concentrate more in body fat than in blood, plasma, water or protein solutions.."

And I found this PDF document on how to manage it in certain clinical scenarios.
Pharmacological PDF Document

It has a has a half life of 5.27 days. So, it must be really "hot" when it decays, since the half life is so short. It will take a little over a month for it to totally decay, but the problem is that Fukushima keeps churning out massive quantities of it so who knows when it will be safe to breath the air again?
Alternative Thread

To keep updated and calculate your risk of exposure, please go to the Norwegian Institute of Air Research's website. God bless the people over at NIAR!
NIAR Xenon-133 Animated Map  

 I haven't found anything about which minerals will block the absorption of Xenon-133 yet. I'll dig around and see what I can find.

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