Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Xenon-54 & Xenon 133

Apparently, Xenon is an inert gas. Here is a 5 minute video on the substance. Now bear in mind, they are talking about regular old Xenon not radioactive Xenon.
The Mineral Xenon

Interestingly enough this website states, "There are no xenon-bearing minerals. It is obtained from liquefying air." More Xenon info

Dr. Ryan Drum has a nice synopsis of the dangers of Iodine-131

While I don't agree with his evolutionary bias, he does reiterate a fact that I have been trying to drive home for years...

"Are animals at risk for Iodine 131 uptake and subsequent radiation damage? Yes and no. Amazingly, animals can detect the atomic weight differences between the lighter stable Iodine 127 and the heavier unstable Iodine131. But, this is apparently the only detectable difference between the two iodine forms. Because of their innate iodine conservation mechanisms, iodine-dependent animals will readily take up radioactive, heavier Iodine 131 if they are deficient in Iodine 127. The Iodine 131 is placed in molecules, cells and tissues where iodine is needed, just as if it were Iodine127. The safety factor is: ANIMALS WITH COMPLETE BODY

Whether or not an animal can detect the difference between Iodine 127 and Iodine-131 is questionable, but he is right on the money when he states that, "ANIMALS WITH COMPLETE BODY COMPLEMENT OF IODINE127 TEND TO NOT TAKE IN RADIOACTIVE IODINE131."

So, we are back to where we started.

And that is, if your cells are saturated with enough iodine, then it will block the absorption of radioactive iodine. Hence my constant harping on kelp.

Under the subheading of Real Hazards of Iodine-131 Exposure, Dr Drum states,

"Everyone and everything everywhere is dusted continually with small amounts of Iodine131. This unstable isotope has an 8-day half-life. It decays to Xenon54 with the concurrent release of a high-energy Beta particle and high energy gamma radiation with each atomic decay."

Now we have the issue of exactly how "hot" are the decaying particles of radioactive Xenon?

                                        Xenon-133 Fukushima Map

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Daniel and His Hebrew Companions
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